20's 30's Make Friends Meetup @Shibuya
Wed, Dec 16
|Lad’s GARAGE Shibuya
☆Special new system about SHUFFLE☆ ・Exchange Tables to same design with you card which we give you them during your Meetup. 100% you can meet new people and have fun chat.

Time & Location
Dec 16, 2020, 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Lad’s GARAGE Shibuya, 日本、〒150-0042 東京都渋谷区宇田川町13−11
About the Event
*Venue condision: The AC works well and airing out the room*
About taking measures against covid-19 in offline event オフラインイベントにおける新型コロナウイルスの対策について | Welcome Tokyo
【Must-read 必読】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/post/news200601
[ Requirements ]
- To wear a facemask
- To take your temperature at the reception
- Your reservation
[ 参加条件 ]
日本語下🎥Event's videoイベントの様子↓https://youtu.be/dqhixhjmfwk ♥"20's 30's Make Friends Meetup
☆Our special New system☆
・Provide profile card for knowing each other more easily.
・Exchange Tables to same design with you card which we give you them during your Meetup.100% you can meet new Friends and have fun chat.
Do you want to Make New (20's 30's) Friends around all over the world ? Do you want to drink with internationals & Locals in Tokyo? Do you enjoy Wednesday night? Do you want Japanese Friends?? 外国人の友達は欲しいですか?毎週水曜日を楽しんでいますか? 新しい20才代30才代の友達をさがしていますか?英語を話したいですか?
※Please RSVP予約してください。
Show us the reservation page at the reception
(No Reservation予約なし: Plus 500Yen or Can not join)
※For everyone🎁 Special Campaign🎁キャンペーン
①FREE for Pair student lady!※
②Get X 2 Points on your Welcome Tokyo Discount Card if you come with friend same timing together(Over 2 people/Please comment on event page "go with friend"). 友達と一緒に受付したらポイント2倍プレゼントします
【Event Schedules of ALLすべてのイベントスケジュール】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/upcoming-events
LINE : https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40hzr6120r
This is an exactly event
for you to meet new Friends, fun chat while drinking, make nice friends and good networking in Tokyo and share your stories;) . Also, this program is very easier to know each other than another Meetup by Profile Card of you(Make Friend Card)! Our members are very friendly! So feel free to join us & have fun together!
・Make Friends Card(Profile Card プロフィールカード)
・UNO game
・Trump game
・Jenga game
・Name Tag for notice your name to new friends at event
・Private Meetup space
・Topics Cards
◯The venue :
"Lad's Garage Shibuya" is
International Bar & Lounge and really big space & It's comfortable during your Meetup. Inside of Venue is Nostalgic and wooden style. Location is very useful, because it's just 6 minute from Hachiko Exit of Shibuya station! Drink from 390円
・19:20 - 19:25 Pick up at the front of store ピックアップします☆
・19:25 - 19:35 Sign up & Get drinks受付 & ドリンクを頼む
We prepare Make Friends Card which helps making friends.参加者の名前が分かるよう、受付時にネームタグを用意していま
・19:35 - 21:40 Free chatting with new friends
・20:15 First exchange table
・21:00 2nd exchange table
This bar is standing style, so you can easily move and talk with a lot of ppl.スタンディング形式のバーなので、自由に動けてたくさんの人と話すことができます。
・21:40- 22:00 Group picture & Exchange contact time
【 Details 】
・Meetup Party time : 19:30 - 22:00
・Entrance Fee
(Drink: Not included in Meetup Fee so, Please buy)
◆Lady's Pair Student : FREE(Please bring student card and comment on event page before RSVP close)
◇Attendee Fee : 500 yen
【Venue & Directions】
Lad's Garage *Address: 13-11 Udagawa-cho Shibuya, Tokyo https://goo.gl/maps/xY2uU2qS6iw (map) NOT entry under 20.*We don't have change, so Plz pay exact fee.
【Precautions for participation 参加前の注意事項 必読】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/notes-on-participation
【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】 https://www.welcometokyoevents.com/eicomukiyaku-1
今回は特に友達作りに注力したミートアップを定期開催します。友達作りのための特別なMAKE FRIEND CARDを用意しています☆
・ミートアップ: 19:30 - 22:00
◆女学生グループ: 無料(事前の予約とイベントぺージへのコメント”友達と行く”を完了ください。)
会場: Lad's Garage 東京都渋谷区宇田川町13−11
https://goo.gl/maps/xY2uU2qS6iw (map)
#welcometokyomeetup #meetup #welcometokyo #internationalpartytokyo