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Language Exchange (English&Nihongo) @Shibuya

Tue, Aug 20


Jinnan Cafe

Registration is Closed
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Language Exchange (English&Nihongo) @Shibuya
Language Exchange (English&Nihongo) @Shibuya

Time & Location

12 more dates

Aug 20, 2024, 7:30 PM – 9:30 PM

Jinnan Cafe, 日本、〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目17−5 クーラビル 1F・B1F

About the Event

🎁There is an advance reservation discount (required to get QR code) 事前予約割引あり🎁

Plz click reservation button on this event page and fill the information then you recieve QR code by email. plz show your QR code to event host at venue. 

こちらから予約ボタンを押し情報入力し、emailで受信するQR コードを受付で提示ください。

About taking measures against covid-19 in offline event オフラインイベントにおける新型コロナウイルスの対策について | Welcome Tokyo

【Must-read 必読】

🎥雰囲気がわかる動画をEvent Movie!

English/日本語 Is there place to use Japanese you input? Do you like to learn more Japanese? Do you like to have fun conversations with some drinks? Do you want to make new friends in Tokyo?

What you can experience

・Output English / Japanese you learned

・Improve your English / Japanese skill

・Learn useful English / Japanese phrase

・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo

・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan

About this event (Language Exchange)

・You can use topics card for having a nice chat

・Our staff split attendees into small groups (3-4ppl/group)

・Our staff change seats to give everyone the chance to speak with each others

・There is a schedule of 15-20 minutes of English conversation followed by 15-20 minutes of Japanese conversation an so on.

・The venue is easy to find out

It doesn't matter that you can't speak Japanese or English if you are interested in that;)

Starting 19:30 〜 closing 21:30


①English conversation 15 minutes

②Japanese conversation 15 minutes

5minutes Break time & Changing seats

③English conversation 15 minutes

④Japanese conversation 15 minutes

5minutes Break time & Changing seats

⑤English 5 minutes

⑥Japanese 5 minutes

Closing and  group photos, exchange contact. 

**There might be a change in schedule.

◎About this organizer; Welcome Tokyo

"Welcome Tokyo" is a community that provides a great opportunity to make a lot of friends and experiences at many events in Tokyo.

We have over 50K members and usually we've organize more than 100 events every month.

【Event Schedules of ALL events すべてのイベントスケジュール】

◎The venue : 

"Jinnan cafe" is popular and trendy cafe in Tokyo and good place to spend relax time. There is in most popular town; Shibuya. Additionally they have various food and drinks, and drinks start 600Yen

⚠Reservation required 

Show us the reservation (No Reservation: Entrance fee + 500yen or cannot join)☆☆

【 Details 】

 ・Meetup time : 19:30- 21:30 

・Entrance Fee : 

🎁There is an advance reservation discount (*required to get QR code by 30 minites before the starting time

Reservation with QR code : 

(advance payment Online)

・ Ladies & Gentleman: 500yen

(Payment at Venue QR ticket)

・Ladies & Gentleman : 1000Yen

(Without QR code(Only Reservation on SNS))

1500Yen or Can not join.

※Drink You must buy a drink.

We collect drink's 600 Yen at reception. plz bring cash 600 YEN for Drink.

・Place :Jinnan cafe Shibuya *クーラビル B1F, 1-17-5 Jinnan, Shibuya, Tokyo (map) 

*Drink is NOT included in the fee, so plz order your drink when you arrive.

【Precautions for participation参加前の注意事項 必読】

【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】



Welcome Tokyoのランゲージエクスチェンジ











・時間:19:30 - 21:30 

・会場:神南カフェ 渋谷 (map) 












受付にてドリンク代600円を徴収させていただきます。 ドリンク代として現金600円をご持参ください。

①英語 15分

②日本語 15分


③英語 15分

④日本 15分





#welcometokyomeetup #meetup #languageexchange #welcometokyo #internationalpartytokyo #meetuptokyo #英語 #ミートアップ #東京言語交換  #ウェルカムトウキョウ #インターナショナルパーティー東京 #東京ミートアップ #国際交流パーティ


  • Ladies & Gentleman Onlinepay

    No Refund after pay

    Sale ended
  • Payment@ venue by Cash 1000Yen

    guest list plz pay the fee at venue by cash

    Sale ended
  • Use full stamp card pay byCash

    Use full stamp card pay byCash Online discounted pricing terms apply. You can pay in cash at the venue by deducting a full stamp card worth 500 yen from the online price. オンラインでのディスカウントされた価格の条件が適用されます。オンライン価格から満タンのスタンプカード500円分を差し引き会場で現金でお支払いいただけます。

    Sale ended



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