Saturday Shuffle & Friending Meetup @Akasaka
Sat, Jul 06
☆Special new system about SHUFFLE☆ ・Exchange Tables to same design with you card which we give you them during your Meetup. 100% you can meet new people and have fun chat.

Time & Location
Jul 06, 2019, 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM
IRISHPUB Craic, 日本、〒107-0052 東京都港区赤坂2丁目6−14
About the Event
English/日本語 🎥Event Movie イベントの様子
☆Special new system about SHUFFLE☆
・Exchange Tables to same design with you card which we give you them during your Meetup. 100% you can meet new people and have fun chat.
Do you want to enjoy SATURDAY NIGHT properly? Hoping to make new friends in Tokyo? Do you want to feel free to share a drink with international travelers and locals? Would you like to talk in Japanese and English?
Then, this is the right event for you! Come meet new people, have a chat while sharing a drink, make new friends and network in Tokyo! Come share your travel stories with us! ;)
Our members are very friendly! So feel free to join & have fun together!
※Please RSVP予約してください。
Show us the reservation page at the reception
(No Reservation予約なし: Plus 500Yen or Can not join)
【Event Schedules of ALLすべてのイベントスケジュール】
☆☆Akasaka is high class area located many countries embassy and major corporation's buildings in Tokyo. So there are sophisticated and calm people more than other area☆☆
We provide some games for enjoying yourself at the event.
◯Possible activities include...
④Language topics cards(for shy people)
We supply wristbands (with your name as a name tag) so you can easily find our members in the venue.
◯The venue :
Traditional IRISH PUB "Craic” in AKASAKA. The atmosphere is very nice and comfortable. The staff are of British and American nationality plus others☆. The store is of a traditional wooden and very nostalgic Irish venue. In addition, the location is super close to Akasaka station, just 3 minutes away.
◯Start time 19:30 - Closing time 22:30
・19:30 - 19:45 Sign up & Get drinks
We supply wristbands so you may find our members easily.
・19:45 - 22:10 Chat and make new friends
This bar is standing style, so you can easily move around to talk with a lot of people.
SHUFFLE TIME→20:15, 21:00
・22:15 - 22:30 Closing time
You can join us at ANYTIME! But if you want to make friends as much as possible, its best to come early!
【 Details 】
〇Pickup point & time : Front of "TULLY'S COFFEE" near No.2 exit of Akasaka sta. 19:15-19:25
〇Party time : 19:30 - 22:30
〇Entrance Fee
◆Non-Japanese & Japanese woman : 500 yen
◇Japanese man : 1,000yen
*No reservation - entrance fee plus 500yen
〇Place :IRISH PUB Craic Akasaka *2-6-14 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo (map)
〇How to join : Click "going" on Facebook or RSVP on meetup in advance if you join us.
*Drink is NOT included, so please order at least 1 drink when you arrive.
*Please show your reservation page at the reception.
*We don't have change, so please pay exact change.
\ RSVP, right now/
It's 3 minutes from Tokyo metro Akasaka Station exit No.2 (map)
【Precautions for participation】
【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】
土曜の夜はいろんな国の人たちと楽しく過ごしませんか?海外のリアルな文化を知りたい方、気楽に友達を作りたい方、英語やその他言語を勉強中の方、とにかく楽しい時間を過ごしたい方、 雰囲気最高のアイリッシュパブでいろんな国の人たちと楽しく飲みながら話しましょう☆
Starting 19:30 - Closing 22:30
・19:30 - 19:45 受付 & ドリンクを頼む
・19:45 - 22:15 Free chatting with new friends
・22:15 - 22:30 Closing time
・待ち合わせ:19:15-19:25 赤坂駅2番出口近くのタリーズコーヒー前
・時間:19:30 - 22:30
◇Non-Japanese&日本人女性: 500円
・場所:Craic Irish Pub 赤坂
東京都港区赤坂2-6-14。地図の写真を見ながら会場には直接来てね! (map)
【 道順 】
赤坂駅出口2から徒歩3分。 (map)
【Precautions for participation参加前の注意事項 必読】
#welcometokyomeetup #meetup #languageexchange #internationalfriends #welcometokyo #internationalpartytokyo #meetuptokyo #ミートアップ