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Updated event plz check details 🌸walk & Friending Meetup Sakura & Meguro-River trip🌸ソメイヨシノ📷目黒川 楽しい散歩 (1)

Sun, Apr 03



What you can experience ・Enjoy picnic and feel relaxing on the grass ・Playing some games while drinking (Jenga, UNO and Trump) ・Meet international people with open-minded and locals in Tokyo ・Get good information about places, food, travel and all you need to know about Japan ・Learn useful other lan

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Updated event plz check details 🌸walk & Friending Meetup Sakura & Meguro-River trip🌸ソメイヨシノ📷目黒川 楽しい散歩 (1)
Updated event plz check details 🌸walk & Friending Meetup Sakura & Meguro-River trip🌸ソメイヨシノ📷目黒川 楽しい散歩 (1)

Time & Location

Apr 03, 2022, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM GMT+9

目黒区, 日本、〒153-0051 東京都目黒区上目黒3丁目4−1

About the Event

Its raining for all the day today. So Your meetup event switched to indoor Meetup! Lets make new friends and make new connection and enjoy your weekend with internationals.

New location and event. ・Picnic Harajuku → Party Shibuya

Plz have a reservation and come to venue on time.

・FREE/学生👩🏻‍🎓 Language Exchange (English&Nihongo) @Shibuya 15:00-17:00

・FREE/U23 Happy Sunday Make Friending Meetup @Shibuya 18:30-21:00

Thank you for understandingto switch to indoor meetup event!

Welcome Tokyo

Do you like "Sakura (Cherry blossom)"?🌸 Spring in Japan is known for the blooming of cherry blossoms. The Megurogawa River, with rows of cherry blossom trees lining its banks, is one of Tokyo's most popular spots during cherry blossom season. The blooms create a pale pink arch that appears to be floating above the river. 桜が一斉に咲き誇る目黒川を散歩しながら写真を撮りましょう📷🌸

Important Get QR Code and show the ticket at reception(Plz find same event title from you attend to.) QRコードを提示ください。

Megurogawa River Sakura The Meguro River is a river that flows through Setagaya Ward, Shinagawa Ward, and Meguro Ward in Tokyo and flows into Tokyo Bay. In the Edo period, it was called "Koritori River", which means "Kori", and when visiting Meguro Fudoson, it was cleansed with the water of the river. It is said to be the origin. Before the war, the Meguro River was a clear stream where children played in the water and fireflies flew around.When the river basin was rural, water wheels were installed in various places and used for milling and rice milling. Currently, about 830 Yoshino cherry trees are planted. In addition, Yoshino cherry tree is a variety developed in Somei Village (currently Sugamo) during the Edo period, and has a lifespan of about 70 years. 目黒川は、東京都世田谷区、品川区、そして目黒区を流れ東京湾に注ぐ川です。 江戸時代には「こりとり川」と呼ばれていたそうで、こりとりは「垢離取り」の意味で、目黒不動尊に参詣に行く際、川の水で身を清めていたのがその名の由来 戦前の目黒川は、子どもたちが水遊びをしてホタルが飛び交う清流で、川の流域が農村であった時代には、各所に水車が設けられ製粉や精米などに利用されていたそうです 現在では約830本ものソメイヨシノが、植えられているとのことです。 またソメイヨシノは江戸時代に染井村(現在の巣鴨)で開発された品種とのことで寿命は約70年とされています。

Pick up point on 14:00 Nakameguro station - out of main ticket gate 中目黒駅正面改札の外 (map)

  Important Get QR Code and show the ticket at reception(Plz find same event title from you attend to.) QRコードを提示ください。

  Pick up point on 14:30 Nakameguro station - out of main ticket gate 中目黒駅正面改札の外 (map) 

Program ・14:00 pickup at the pick up pint.(no Delay plz) preparation and sign up ・14:00- 14:15 Gathering and Self introduction each other. ・14:15 start to walk to the famous shrine area is really big and event host will guide for you. ・14:30 - 14:45 Start a photo shooting. Event host explain how to take picture at the each shooting location. ・14:45 Start to walk to 2nd location ・14:45 - 15:00 2nd location ・15:00 walk to 3rd location : ・15:45 -16:00 Group picture. Socializing time and show picture to member and explain your photos how did you take them how was the setting. also exchange contact tool. Drinking place and just grab a cup of drink if you want to go together.

Check Points ①Megurogawa Playing place Great view of River目黒川の入口になります。

②Funairiba Brick square レンガつくりのレトロな船着き場広場です This is used by boat dock long time ago.

③Nakazato bashi Bridge 中里橋 It's a one of beautiful shooting spot from bridge.景色のよいフォトジェニックポイントです。

④Pool of Meguro ward 目黒川横の区民プール There is a bathroom. you can take a rest. トイレがあるポイントですし、記念撮影がおすすめの少し広い場所です。

⑤Meguro Shinbashi bridge 目黒新橋(Our goal) It is a bridge that supports the traffic of people and vehicles, which spans the slope down the slope after leaving Meguro Station. Although it is old, it has a solid structure. The view of the Meguro River from here is beautiful. 目黒駅を出て坂道を下った所に架かる、人と乗り物の往来を支える橋です。 古いながらもしっかりとした造りをしてます。 ここから眺める目黒川の景色は綺麗です。

Socializing time and show picture to member and explain your photos how did you take them how was the setting. also exchange contact tool. Drinking place and just grab a cup of drink if you want to go together.  

plz join if you are applicable below ・If you have Smart phone or Camera ・If you like photo shooting ・If you want explore something new in the city ・if you want to know a Tips of photo ・If you want to make friends of photo lover in Tokyo ・if you want to walk in the beautiful city ・If you want nice opportunity to take picture and Socializing 〇スマートフォンやカメラをもっていれば 〇写真撮影がすきなら 〇街で新しい物や事を見つけたい人なら 〇カメラのコツを手に入れたいなら 〇同じ写真好きのお友達が欲しいなら 〇美しい街を歩きたいなら 〇写真撮影のための良い機会がほしくて、ソーシャライジングの時間が欲しい方

About Camera Pro photographer teach are teach you how to take photo with lighting if you want. Plz just bring your smart phone or standard Camera. 

Lets take memorable real Picture.

 Group picture and have a fun time.

カメラは持ってこなくても大丈夫です。ウォーキングツアーの為、楽しみましょう スマートフォンや普通のカメラを持ってくるだけです。思い出深い写真を撮りましょう。プロのカメラマンがいますので、ライティングやカメラの使い方についても、もしよければ教えてもらえます。

Organiser : Photographer

About Camera Plz just bring your smart phone or standard Camera. Lets take memorable real Picture. スマートフォンや普通のカメラを持ってくるだけです。思い出深い写真を撮りましょう。

 Our Shooting target 

・Daytime/Sunset View of Town 

・Object in the Town ・Street food if you

 ・Portrait  About Portrait model(ポートレートについて) : 

  About equipment 

・bring one camera or smart phone minimum. 

※if you want slow shutter speed photo or shooting nice photo at darkness location, plz bring your tripod. Of course you do not need to bring it if you put camera on the horizontal ground.  

【Details 】

 ※come to pick up point. also plz comment on event page if you gonna be late for pick up time. 

・Meetup fee: 1000YEN 

【Precautions for participation 参加前の注意事項 必読】 

【Cancel Policyキャンセルポリシー】 


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